Emotional health and wellbeing awareness has been at the forefront of Staffordshire and West Midlands Probation Service recently. This is encouraging as it is a step in the right direction in terms of centering the health of workforces and evidencing a thoughtful, caring and holistic approach. Surely with this kind of ethos, the workforce will feel more valued and further, enjoy their work full in the knowledge that their wellbeing is valued as individuals on a day to day basis. This can only lead to more productive and effective teams which breed a positive and supportive environment around the region. Of course there is a wider positive effect upon those whom staff come into contact including Service Users and Partnership Agencies. I wanted to support, encourage and help the Service to raise the awareness and profile of Health and Wellbeing and agreed, along with another colleague Gordon to take PAWS (Health and Wellbeing Pup mascot), on a short run through Hanley and visit our Partnership Agencies.
PAWS started his journey at the North Staffordshire Justice Centre. He met some of the the team before donning his running pumps.
Security had to make sure he was behaving himself but PAWS was more concerned about having his pre run massage, he just looks far too relaxed!
First Stop was a visit to the Northern Area Custody Suit where he hung out with Gav, a CJ Mental Health Nurse, who didn't check his pulse as he works with heads not hearts.
PAWS restarted his GPS because it was over the the HOPE centre in Hanley where he spend time being a social butterfly with the Nortth Staffordshire Combine Healthcare NHS Trust and Minds and Changes Health and Wellbeing Services.
It was all getting a little too much for the Pup so Gordon crewed for him and got him through the final leg to his overnight accommodation at the Melbourne House Office at the Festival Park. PAWS covered a total of 5 miles and brought many smiles. Here's his route.
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